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Wood Spatula Various Types of Wood Hand Carved

Wood Spatula Various Types of Wood Hand Carved

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Each utensil is unique from Nutter Cutter Woodworks  

Order will be fulfilled with various wood. 

Wood is locally collected/recycled from homeowners or tree companies.Never let an item sit in water. Do not put them in the dishwasher. Hand wash and dry only.

Making Process: Shape the block of wood with an as. Finish carving the outside with a knife. Carve the inside of the bowl with a scoop knife. Let dry for 1-2 weeks. Coat in tung oil.

Vocabulary: Kohlrosing: Carve design with the tip of a knife, add cinnamon, burnish, coat

Burnishing: Rubbing a rock or antler on the piece to smash down the wood fibers (enhances strength, creates a waxy feeling)

Tung Oil: Food safe oil from the ‘tung tree’ seed. The seed is smashed down and filtered, that’s it! When an item is coated with the oil, it oxidizes into a lacquer.

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